• Johan Huizinga and Central/East-Central Europe

    eds. Adam Bžoch obálka-1_2017

    The Dutch historian and cultural philosopher Johan Huizinga (1872–1945), world-famous for his works “The Autumn of the Middle Ages”, “Homo Ludens” and “In the Shadow of Tomorrow”, was an authority on European cultural history. He viewed the formation of history and culture as a continuous process of mediation and interaction. This issue presents analyses of Huizinga’s opinions on the formation of Europe between the West and the East. It especially focuses on the affinity between the author’s thinking and that of his contemporaries and colleagues in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the reception of his works and ideas in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia.

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    e d i t o r i á l / e d i t o r i a l
    Adam Bžoch
    Johan Huizinga and Central/East-Central Europe ■ 2 (go to article)

    š t ú d i e – t é m a / a r t i c l e s – t o p i c
    Anton van der Lem
    “Europe can never be lost as long as there are men like you” – Huizinga and Europe ■ 7 (go to article)
    Willem Otterspeer
    Johan Huizinga and Leo Spitzer: The notion of “Stimmung” revisited ■ 21 (go to article)
    Ivan Gerát
    Johan Huizinga and Max Dvořák on images: A shared interest in medieval images in and around 1919 ■ 31 (go to article)
    Léon Hanssen
    Die Lust an der in Schwebe gehaltenen Illusion: Johan Huizinga und Georg Lukács ■ 41 (go to article)
    Geertjan de Vugh
    Philia and Neikos: Huizinga’s “Auseinandersetzung” with Carl Schmitt ■ 48 (go to article)
    Tomás Balogh
    CSÉ über E. – Vorlesungen von László Cs. Szabó über Erasmus 1946/47 ■ 60 (go to article)
    Wilken Engelbrecht
    Johan Huizinga in tschechischer Übersetzung ■ 71 (go to article)
    Adam Bžoch
    Johan Huizinga in der Slowakei: Lektüren und kritische Auseinandersetzungen in der Zeit von 1946 bis 1990 ■ 86 (go to article)
    Olga Sidorova
    Reception of Johan Huizinga in the USSR with a special focus on Yuri Lotman ■ 101 (go to article)

    s p r á v y / n e w s
    Katarína Bednárová
    Za Tzevanom Todorovom ■ 110 (go to article)

    r e c e n z i e / b o o k r e v i e w s
    Anton van der Lem (ed.): Johan Huizinga: Mijn weg tot de historie/Gebeden (Adam Bžoch) ■ 111 (go to article)
    Eugen Fink: Play as Symbol of the World and Other Writings (Geertjan de Vugt ) ■ 113 (go to article)
    Halina Mielicka-Pawłowska (ed.): Contemporary Homo Ludens (Anna Fosse) ■ 115 (go to article)
    Lucas Marco Gisi (hrsg.): Robert Walser. Handbuch. Leben – Werk – Wirkung (RomanMikuláš) ■ 116 (go to article)
    Julia Hargaßner: Kleidersprache im künstlerischen Text. Sowjetische Kleidercodes zwischen1954 und 1985 (Dagmar Burkhart) ■ 120 (go to article)
    Balázs Déri – Pál Kelemen – József Krupp – Ábel Tamás (eds.): Metafilológia 1. Szöveg – variáns – kommentár; Pál Kelemen – Ernő Kulcsár Szabó – Ábel Tamás – Gábor Vaderna (eds.): Metafilológia 2. Szerző – könyv – jelenetek (Péter H. Nagy) ■ 122 (go to article)
    Mikhail Iampolskii: Prigov: Ocherki khudozhestvennogo nominalizma (Jakub Kapičiak) ■ 124 (go to article)

  • Legacy of Popovič and Holmes beyond their century

    eds. Emília Perez, Martin Djovčoš, Mária Kusá obálka-2_2017

    The Nitra School and the Low Countries School contributed greatly to the formation of translation studies in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. Both key personalities of these schools – Anton Popovič and James S. Holmes – had an important impact in the initial decades of the field. This issue focuses on their work, research and methodological approaches. The authors introduce the schools and their main representatives in the context of their time. However, they don’t only offer a trip down memory lane to the historical roots of these schools but also try to show to what extent value has been – and can be – added to the lines of thinking in contemporary research stemming from the Low Countries and Nitra.

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    e d i t o r i á l / e d i t o r i a l
    Emília Perez – Martin Djovčoš – Mária Kusá
    Legacy of Popovič and Holmes beyond their century ■ 2 (go to article)

    š t ú d i e – t é m a / a r t i c l e s – t o p i c
    Martin Djovčoš – Emília Perez
    Bridging the mental Iron Curtain, or, re-exploring the “old” in new contexts ■ 3 (go to article)
    Luc van Doorslaer
    Holmes and Popovič in the 21st century: an empirical-bibliographical exercise ■ 12 (go to article)
    Katarína Bednárová
    Anton Popovič: between comparative literature and semiotics ■ 21 (go to article)
    Ton Naaijkens
    On lions, fans and crosses. A Low Countries legacy for translation studies ■ 38 (go to article)
    Mária Valentová
    Anton Popovič a jeho nitrianska translatologická škola ■ 49 (go to article)
    Iryna Odrekhivska
    Consolidating Anton Popovič’ s “metacommunicational context of translation” as a conceptual cluster ■ 62 (go to article)
    Igor Tyšš
    Discourse camouflage in the representation of American literature in the literary magazine “Mladá tvorba” ■ 73 (go to article)
    Marie Krappmann
    The limits of domestication in the translation of modern literary texts from Yiddish to Czech ■ 86 (go to article)
    Anita Huťková
    The translation theory of the Nitra School and contemporary communication models of literary translation: a case study ■ 99 (go to article)
    Ján Živčák
    K problematike typologického zaradenia liturgického prekladu: na príklade slovenského a francúzskeho translátu paschálneho kánonu a veršových stichír Paschy ■ 115 (go to article)


    r e c e n z i e / b o o k r e v i e w s
    Jaroslav Špirk: Censorship, Indirect Translation and Non-Translation: The (Fateful) Adventures of Czech Literature in 20th-century Portugal (Charles Sabatos) ■ 127 (go to article)
    Ladislav Franek: Interdisciplinárnosť v symbióze literárnej vedy a umenia II (Renáta Bojničanová) ■ 129 (go to article)
    Edita Gromová – Soňa Hodáková – Emília Perez – Andrej Zahorák: Audiovizuálny preklad a nepočujúci divák. Problematika titulkovania pre nepočujúcich (Daniela Müglová) ■ 131 (go to article)
    Martin Djovčoš – Pavol Šveda: Mýty a fakty o preklade a tlmočení (Matej Laš) ■ 132 (go to article)
    Marta Fülöpová: Odvrávajúce obrazy. Vzájomná podoba Maďarov a Slovákov v slovenskej a maďarskej próze 19. storočia (Gabriella Petres Csizmadia) ■ 134 (go to article)
    Tomáš Jirsa: Tváří v tvář beztvarosti. Afektivní a vizuální figury v moderní literatuře (Roman Mikuláš) ■ 136 (go to article)

  • Interdisciplinary play and interplay in the post-digital age

    eds. Bogumila Suwara, Jana Tomašovičová obálka-3_2017

    The potential of digital technology has been fostering close cooperation among a multitude of disciplines in the natural, technical, and information sciences. The topic of this issue is interdisciplinary play and interplay in the post-digital age with a focus on the perspectives, possibilities and limits of modern technology in the humanities. The authors reflect on several relevant ques¬tions: How does fast growing digital technology change and restructure the contours of Western culture? Are the hitherto employed schemas of interpretation and methodological strategies sufficient to grasp contempo¬rary culture? What effect does digital technology have on literary production? The contributions in this issue offer both theoretical reflection of these processes and applications in the form of experimental projects.

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    e d i t o r i á l / e d i t o r i a l
    Bogumila Suwara – Jana Tomašovičová
    Interdisciplinárne hry, súhry a interakcie v postdigitálnej dobe ■ 2 (go to article)

    š t ú d i e / a r t i c l e s
    Jana Tomašovičová
    Heterotopias and transformations in art and science ■ 3 (go to article)
    Tomáš Jirsa
    Jazyk tvarovaný excesem: afekt a jeho performativní medialita ■ 14 (go to article)
    Ivan Lacko
    On the path to sentience – post-digital narratives in “Westworld” ■ 29 (go to article)
    Mariusz Pisarski
    Digital postmodernism: From hypertexts to twitterature and bots ■ 41 (go to article)
    Jana Kostincová
    Slovo jako předmět, pohyb, energie. Umělecká výpověď v transmediálním kontextu ■ 54 (go to article)
    Karel Piorecky
    Česká počítačově generovaná literatura a otázka autorství literárního textu ■ 66 (go to article)
    Piotr Marecki
    Crowdsourcing and literature: A report from the project “Wiersze za sto dolarów” ■ 79 (go to article)
    Marek Debnár
    Čítanie z druhej ruky ■ 87 (go to article)
    Bogumila Suwara – Andrzej Adamski
    New forms of knowledge design and their presence/absence in Central Europe Prolegomena to the issues. Current ■ 98 (go to article)

    r e c e n z i e / b o o k r e v i e w s
    Karel Piorecký: Česká literatura a nová média (Zuzana Husárová) ■ 111 (go to article)
    Mária Kusá (ed.): Ruská literatúra v slovenskej kultúre v rokoch 1825 – 2015 (Anton Eliáš) ■ 112 (go to article)
    Eva Palkovičová: Hispanoamerická literatúra na Slovensku optikou dejín prekladu a recepcie inojazyčných literatúr (Katarína Bednárová) ■ 115 (go to article)
    Magdolna Balogh: Rabul ejtett értelmek (Judit Görözdi) ■ 117 (go to article)
    Anikó Dusík: Bendeguznak neve hangzik fülünkbe. V ušiach nám znie meno Bendeguz. Az elfogadás és az elhatárolódás a szlovák irodalom magyar összefüggéseiben – Ján Chalupka műveinek perspektívájából (Judit Dobry) ■ 119 (go to article)
    Vít Gvoždiak: Česká teorie. Tendence moderní české sémiotiky (Kristián Benyovszky) ■ 120 (go to article)
    Roman Mikuláš a kol.: Podoby literárnej vedy. Teórie – Metódy – Smery (Juraj Dvorský) ■ 123 (go to article)

  • Gender insights into literary history

    eds. Jana Cviková – Ingrid Puchalová obálka-4_2017

    Since the end of the 20th century, gender as an analysed and analytical category, together with the related category of desire, has been increasingly employed also in literary historiography. Both terms reveal and revise androcentric and heteronormative exclusion and silencing, and at the same time self-critically reflect their own assumptions. The contributions in this issue are by authors from the (East-) Central European space, which is also the volume’s main thematic focus. They test the inter- and transdisciplinary potential of diverse and often contradictory feminist/gender/queer approaches.

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    e d i t o r i á l / e d i t o r i a l
    Jana Cviková – Ingrid Puchalová
    Rodové podnety pre literárnu históriu ■ 2 (go to article)

    h o s ť o v s k á p r e d n á š k a / g u e s t l e c t u r e
    Monika Mitášová
    Eileen Gray alebo architektka: tri hypotézy kritického písania o rode v avantgardnej architektúre vily E.1027 ■ 3 (go to article)

    š t ú d i e / a r t i c l e s
    Alexandra Millner
    Das Denken der Transdifferenz in Bezug auf Gender als grundlegende soziale Kategorie:
    Zum sozialkritischen Impetus der deutschsprachigen Literatur aus Österreich-Ungarn ■ 22 (go to article)
    Ján Demčišák
    Eine Zwischenrevision des Queer Reading ■ 35 (go to article)
    Zoltán Csehy
    The male gender script as self-representation in the poetry of Sándor Vay ■ 53 (go to article)
    Aleksandra Elisseeva
    Fassbinders „Berlin Alexanderplatz“ – Literaturverfilmung als Queer Reading ■ 62 (go to article)
    Charles Sabatos
    Can the dissident speak? The Czech woman writer in the work of Philip Roth and Dominik Tatarka ■ 74 (go to article)
    Anikó Polgár
    Myth and feminine self-expression in the poetry of Anna Lesznai and Anna Hajnal ■ 89 (go to article)
    Jozef Tancer
    Sprachbiografie und inszenierte Autorschaft: Das Fallbeispiel Erika Blumgrund ■ 103 (go to article)

    m a t e r i á l y / m a t e r i a l s
    Božena Chołuj
    Die Gender-Kategorie in der Analyse literarischer Strategien im Umgang mit der Weiblichkeit: Ingeborg Bachmann, Seweryna Szmaglewska, Ruth Klüger ■ 117 (go to article)
    Ingrid Puchalová
    Marie Therese von Artner und ihre literarische Autorschaft ■ 129 (go to article)

    r e c e n z i e / b o o k r e v i e w s
    Anna Menyhért: Női irodalmi hagyomány (Zoltán Németh) ■ 141 (go to article)
    Jana Cviková: Ku konceptualizácii rodu v myslení o literatúre (Mariana Szapuová) ■ 142 (go to article)
    Hana Havelková – Libora Oates-Indruchová (eds.): Vyvlastněný hlas. Proměny genderové kultury české společnosti 1948 – 1989 (Ivana Hostová) ■ 146 (go to article)
    Lilla Bolemant: Női hangok. Berde Mária, Földes Jolán, Szenes Piroska és Zilahy Lajos regényei. (Judit Dobry) ■ 150 (go to article)
    Péter H. Nagy: Alternatívák. A popkultúra kapcsolatrendszerei (József Keserű) ■ 151 (go to article)
    Jozef Tancer: Rozviazané jazyky. Ako sme hovorili v starej Bratislave (Ingrid Puchalová) ■ 153 (go to article)